Monday 10th February 2025


In this article, we will get to know about everything related to mbox data file format. We will decode every myth and fact about MBOX files. MBOX file are the backbone of email storage system widely use by various email clients like Thunderbird, Gmail and Apple Mail. We will discuss and get to know about what MBOX files are, their ways of function, their role in storing emails and email clients that support the MBOX file format. This article will give in depth detail about knowledge base mbox mailbox file.

In addition to the basic concepts, we’ll conceal the myths and facts surrounding MBOX files. Debunking all the limitations, security, and compatibility of the software. Apart from this, the readers will get to know about the versatility of the MBOX data file format. Share more insights about where MBOX files fit and where alternative format will be more suitable to use. It does not matter if you are an IT professional or a regular user.

This article will let you know how easy it is to operate MBOX files and their information. How all of this email information is store in a single file? How this feature is very helpful to many users around the globe? So, stick till the end all your questions will be answered and all your doubts will be cleared. This will also help you to gain some knowledge about the complex process involved in the background and how this will be easier for you to understand all of this.

As this article will answer many questions and myths everything so readers need to have so patience while reading this article. We will try to clear most of the doubts and answer most searched queries around the internet about the MBOX files. If things are not answer or not covered let us know we will add those later on. Let’s discuss more about mbox data file format and how it changes the concept of email migration. So let’s begin the article…!!

What is an MBOX data file format?

MBOX is a series of related file formats which uses to store a collection of email messages. Unix Fifth Edition was the first vendor to incorporate it. Each kind of MBOX mailbox merges into a single file containing all of the messages in it and saves in plain text format.

How do you open & view the MBOX email data file?

The MBOX data file format can be easily accessible by Apple Mail and various other email client. But Microsoft Outlook cannot open & read MBOX files data directly on a Windows computer. Thunderbird is an option users can use to open and view MBOX files and the users can convert MBOX files in a format compatible with Microsoft Outlook.

  1. Using Email Clients,
  2. Online MBOX Viewers
  1. Using Email Clients:
    * Mozilla Thunderbird (Cross-platform and Free)
    1. Download and Install: First, download the Mozilla Thunderbird application on your computer Then install the application.

    2. Install the ImportExportTools NG Add on or Extension:
    * Open Mozilla Thunderbird Application
    * Go to the menu section(≡) >> Add ons and Themes
    * Search for “ImportExportTools NG” and install it in the device.

    3. Import the MBOX File:
    * Go to the option Tools >> ImportExportTools NG >> Import MBOX File.
    * Choose or Select the option “Import directly one or more MBOX files“.
    * Now, browse the location of the MBOX email file and import data in it.

    4. Views the Email Files or Folders:
    * All the imported email data will appear in the new folder under the name “Local Folders“.

    *Apple Mail (For Apple macOS Users):
    1. Open Apple Mail Application.
    2. Go to the option File >> Click on “Import Mailboxes“.
    3. Select the option for “Files in MBOX format“.
    4. Locate & Select the MBOX file.
    5. All the imported email user’s data will be able to be viewed under the option “Imported” folder in Mail.

Second option to view MBOX email data:

  1. Online MBOX Viewers:
    * There are several websites online that offer free tools/applications to view MBOX email data. However, all the applications and websites have limited options and offer only a few options.
    * This type of free online MBOX viewer requires an internet connection.
    * It is not recommended to open any sensitive or personal MBOX email data because these kind of applications and websites poses privacy risk. Why because users need to upload the file to the external server and do not have control over data after that.

Recommendation: Users are highly recommended not to upload non-confidential or personal MBOX email files.

What and How to Generate MBOX email data files?

There are several ways to generate mbox data file format. Steps can be different depending on which email client are user using in this or in that given situation.


Follow these mentioned steps to export data from different email clients:

  1. Generate MBOX file data from Google:
  2. Generate MBOX file in Apple Mail:
  3. Generate MBOX file in Thunderbird:
  4. Generate in Outlook using IMAP Configuration:
  5. Generate MBOX file using Command-Line Tools:

Generate MBOX file data from Google:
1. First log in to your Google Account,
2. Go to the Google Takeout page,
3. Deselect all boxes and only select “Mail”,
4. User can choose from different labels to export email data, Click on “Next”,
5. Choose Destination, File type & Size, Frequency and click on “Export”,
6. Google Takeout will start generating Export files and the user will receive all files in Gmail.

Generate MBOX file in Apple Mail:
1. First open the Mail app on a Mac machine,
2. Choose one or more mailboxes,
3. Choose Mailbox then click on Export Mailbox,
4. Select the existing folder or needed Create a new folder,
5. Click the option “Choose”.

Note: Apple Mail will export the email mailbox data as .mbox packages. If the user has exported the mailbox data previously. Apple Mail will not overwrite existing .mbox email data files.

How to generate MBOX email data file using Thunderbird?

Generate MBOX file in Thunderbird:
Configure the email account users moving messages into Thunderbird by entering the following details Name, Email address and Email password after this click on Continue.

1. To do so, download the ImportExportTools NG add-on for Thunderbird.
2. To add this add on: Click on Tools >> Add-ons,
3. Search the tool ImportExportTools NG.
4. Click on “Add to Thunderbird”,
5. After installation restart the Thunderbird.

1. To import MBOX email data locally on the device: Look in the left-hand side panel and select Local Folders and it will Highlight.
2. Choose Tools>> ImportExportToolsNG>> Import MBOX file directly in one or multiple>> Look for the MBOX file and to open the file click on Open.
3. Users will be able to see all messages and all the imported folders and drag and drop the corresponding folder in the destination account.
4. Users can repeat the same complete process to Export the MBOX files.

Generate in Outlook using IMAP Configuration:
1. Outlook does not support MBOX files, but other options are available:
2. Configure email account to IMAP-supported email client that is Thunderbird.
3. Synchronize emails into Thunderbird,
4. Use Thundebird’s ImportExportTools NG for exporting emails in MBOX file format.

Generate MBOX file using Command-Line Tools:
* These steps can be used by advanced users managing emails based on server (e.g. Linux)
* Get access to the directory of mail storage where the emails are stored in the MBOX format.
For example: `/var/mail/username` or `/var/spool/mail/username`.
* Save the MBOX email data file to the appropriate location.

Different types of MBOX files. Their Description and Features:

  1. MBOXO:
    * Description: MBOXO is an original format of the MBOX file. This stores all the data of an email in a single file format. The messages are by a line beginning with “From” and followed by the sender’s email address and timestamp.
    * Key Feature: The “From” line is used for message separating and the header of the email contains no additional metadata for separation.
  2. MBOXRD:
    * Description: A derivative of MBOXO, MBOXRD has a similar structure but it has an extra added mechanism to escape starting lines “From” in the body of the message.
    * Key Features: It prevents misinterpretation of “From” lines in the body of emails by adding a prefix.
  3. MBOXCL: 
    * Description: MBOXCL is another variation of MBOXO. It uses a “Content-Length” in the header to indicate the email message size. This helps differentiate between the messages even after there are ambiguities with the “From” separator.
  4. MBOXCL2:
    * Description: Modification of MBOXCL which uses the “Content-Length“. It uses the header for separation but does not use a “From” line as a separator.
    * Key Features: It solves message parsing ambiguities by solely relying on the header “Content-Length“.
  5. MBX:
    * Description: MBX is a little different format from MBOX and all the emails can be easily stores in it in a proper structure. Further metadata utilized constitutes to raise the indexing and performance.
    * Key Features: Unlike the other MBOX formats, this includes more robust support for nonstandard characters and attachments.

Issues with MBOX files:

As we have discussed everything related to MBOX files now let’s discuss the problems users face while handling the MBOX file format These issues might differ from user to user, device to device, or even email client to email client. Now we will discuss more about the problems in MBOX file format:

  1. File Corruption: 
    * Improper Shutdown: Sometimes the mbox data file format can get damage due to incorrect shutting down of the device and sudden crashing of the application.
    * Large File Size: When the MBOX file data grows too large this increases the risk of MBOX data corruption.
  2. Compatibility Issues:
    * Limited Support: MBOX is another file format that is not supported by every email client. This also means that one will need third party tools to open or import the MBOX files to a new mail client.
    * Platform Differences: That is why migrations of MBOX file from one platform to another can cause errors.
  3. Performance Issues:
    * Slow Access: The MBOX files with large sizes cause delays in performance while accessing or searching for emails.
    * Inefficient Storage: All messages are stored in a single MBOX file. When file size increases this slows down the operations.
  4. Data Loss Risk:
    * Message Overwriting: As it is said ” A rotten apple falls among other apples and spoils the entire basket.” Similarly one corrupt single MBOX can spoil the whole MBOX email file away on many occasions. This will progress to partial or complete corruption of MBOX file data as previously mentioned.
    * Conversion Errors: It’s possible to lose some of the files or have them in a completely messed up order in the course of converting or migrating the files.

More issues listed under MBOX files:

  1. Email Client-Specific Limitations:
    * Some of the email clients impose restrictions on the size and messages stored in an MBOX file.
  2. Spam and Junk Data:
    * Over time in the long run mbox data file format might accumulate junk or spam emails. This sort of storing of email data increases the file size and causes inefficiencies. This will sometimes cause unnecessary delays in converting or exporting MBOX files.
Different Types of Errors within MBOX files:
  1. MBOX File Corruption:
    * File Header Corruption: The header of the MBOX file include metadata such as version and email identification might get corrupt. Because of this problem, the MBOX file becomes even more unreadable and results in loss or corruption of data in the email storage.
    * Truncated MBOX Files: This error might appear if the MBOX email data is not saved or closed properly. Then MBOX file will become truncated, causing incomplete email data content and errors when trying to open or import the MBOX email data.
    * Random Data Corruption: It is also important to note that some of the data files within the email storage maybe damaged as a result of failure to store data optimally or due to some other technical hitches such as power failure, among others. This will result in unreadable emails.
  2. Character Encoding Issues:
    * Mismatch Encoding: Messages in the MBOX emails maybe saved in a different encoding (e.g. UTF-8, ASCII, ISO-8859). Now if there is any difference between the encoding used to write the message and other encoding is expect by the email client. The characters might seem like some illegible text.
    * Corrupted Characters: Certain special characters (e.g. Accents or Symbols) can become corrupted for many causes such as poor coding or decoding practices. This will make it either difficult to read or the text may become impaired and look different.
List of some more errors within MBOX file:
  1. Empty or Missing Emails:
    * Lost Email Content: If any single part of the MBOX file is corrupt. The whole email message or section of the message will be lost or appear blank.
    * Deleted Emails: Sometimes, the email data or email may be delete or go missing from the MBOX email file. This is due to mishandling or even corrupting the MBOX file email data so as to cause missing email data.
  2. Error Greyed Out Files:
    MBOX email data may appear greyed out to users due to incorrect permission in files, corruption of data, or data incompatibility with the email client. File size, or even different file paths may cause the issue as well on large files or any other file for that matter. Solutions for mbox greyed out email data files.
  3. Error “No Valid MBOX Email Data Files Were Found”: 
    The error message will be easily seen by users whenever the email client does not read the email file or when it can’t work with the MBOX file. Various factors might cause this problem, MBOX email data is corrupt, or formatting of the file is improper or the file path is incorrect. For this purpose and for knowing more about this error go through this useful blog of us “Fix No Valid MBOX File”.
Recommended Solution by Experts:

As of now, we have come to know what an MBOX data file format is and all the various factors affecting an MBOX file, and the process of generating an MBOX file. Now many of the readers might want to know what is the reliable solution to fix this issue. How to solve this problem? But is there any solution that can be useful to handle or solve a problem that a user may face while dealing with the MBOX file? Indeed there are a few ways and measures that can be undertaken to minimize such an experience. There are some steps that are required to be followed to avoid data loss and corruption:

  1. Use Reliable Software: WebbyAcad MBOX converter is one of the best software that can manage and fix all the problems of MBOX files easily. The tool allows for easy import, export, conversion, and repair of errors of MBOX file operations. The working of the MBOX email changer includes the unlimited conversion of files and folders, filtering the emails, and use on any platform.
  2. Backup Regularly: The frequent copy of email data in the format of an MBOX file gives some protection against data loss.
  3. Splits Large Files: The current large MBOX file size causes performance degradation and increases the MBOX file corruption probability, it is wise to divide the file into smaller parts.
  4. Update the Email Clients: Checks periodically for new versions of the email client software to be in a position to add on better support to the features and also to avoid compatibility problems.

In this article, the user will find all the information related to mbox data file format. Reading this informative article will give you deep insight and knowledge about MBOX files. What are MBOX files how this is generated, how to read these MBOX files, what different types of MBOX files and more? Other valuable knowledge is also available like what types of error messages users might get while operating the MBOX file and how to solve the issue.

So this single article is easily able to clear all the doubts and solve all the queries about the MBOX files. If any information is missed or you want us to add any other information do leave us a comment and we will add some more information to this article. This will help other users to solve their problems. Sharing this article will help others to know more about the popular file format. So, go through this article to know and solve any queries and errors within the MBOX file.

People Also Ask:
Ques: How do I convert an MBOX file?

There are two to convert an MBOX file Manual way of conversion or Automatic way of conversion. The Manual way of conversion involves the Thunderbird Application. Because Outlook mail does not support MBOX file type and Thunderbird email conversion help users convert MBOX files to PST format. PST format is supported by Microsoft Outlook.

Ques: How do I convert an MBOX file?

There are two to convert an MBOX file Manual way of conversion or Automatic way of conversion. The Manual way of conversion involves the Thunderbird Application. Because Outlook mail does not support MBOX file format. Mozilla Thunderbird email conversion application helps users convert MBOX files to PST format. PST format is supported by Microsoft Outlook.

Ques: What is the best MBOX email data converter?

The WebbyAcad MBOX email changer software is the best tool that can be used to convert MBOX files to 65+ formats. The same email changer software can be used to migrate MBOX email data to various email clients. 

Ques: How do I open MBOX files in Gmail?

To open MBOX files in Gmail users need to Install any third-party application. Download and add the application to your computer and also upload the MBOX file. Then choose and check the list of MBOX files to be converted. Select Gmail and then it will ask you to enter your Email and Password. That password is not the password of the account. It is the third-party app password that will be generated through Gmail. To know more about “How to generate a third-party app password for Gmail?”

Ques: What program opens an MBOX file?

There are several programs that open MBOX files like Thunderbird and any third-party MBOX email file opener tool. The email changer software is designed in a way to open and view MBOX files properly. The software can easily convert MBOX files to any format and migrate MBOX files to almost every email client depending upon the software specifications.

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